
Mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift
Mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift

  • Model metadata and publishing improvements.
  • Multiple Team Server usability enhancements and bug fixes, including:.
  • Repository properties and model check-in process.
  • Numerous Data Architect usability enhancements and bug fixes, including:.
  • SAP Data Services (BODI/BODS) data lineage bridge.
  • W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) 1.0 Forward Engineering export bridge.
  • SAS Base SAS Code, Data Integration, and Library import bridges.
  • 7 new MetaWizard bridges extend the number of accessible platforms:.
  • W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) 1.0 Reverse Engineering.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Aurora Database (via JDBC).
  • Publish and view Redshift models in Team Server.
  • Includes all Data Architect core features, such as forward & reverse engineering, DDL & ALTER script generation, and compare & merge.
  • Access Redshift via platform-specific ODBC interface.
  • Extensive support for Amazon Redshift cloud data warehouse:.
  • Exposed submodel hierarchy and entity relationships in REST API.
  • Introduces new graphical visualizations.
  • Allows you to remove standard properties of Business Terms.
  • Includes the ability to remove the "Term Entity Type" property.
  • Provides new relationships between Business Terms.
  • Introduces namespacing of Business Terms to Glossaries.
  • Allows bulk harvesting of Business Terms and Relationships from Logical Models.
  • Allows Admins to disable Linked Term creation, standard properties of a Business Term.
  • Updates the API with support for new relationships between Business Glossaries and Business Terms.
  • Updates the user interface colors of tabs to be in line with other similar items.
  • Allows the Team Server admin to hide menu items based on user group.
  • Includes support for a hyperlinked URL on a Term Custom Attribute.
  • mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift

    Allows user to specify a backup folder location when upgrading.Improves workflow for adding custom properties to selected objects.Integrates with Collibra data governance platform.Adds built-in properties for Collibra integration for columns and attributes.Integrates with WhereScape Data Automation Tool.

    mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift

    Includes several Data Catalog improvements.

    Mozilla firefox add ons similar to redshift